Saturday, July 2, 2011

beautiful day

It's a beautiful day and it's Saturday. I started the morning with a little jog and then worked on my first July commission of Bert, who is a beautiful golden retriever. He is having a touching photo of him and his doctor in a giant hug done as a watercolor painting.

I used to have a golden, her name was Ginger and she was AWESOME! She thought of me as her mother and would do anything. She was a terrific guard dog and was so gentle and caring. <3

And now for my first blog hop ....


  1. Yeah, we are so excited to see the painting when you are done.

    Bert and My Vickie

  2. You do such beautiful work! I love creative stuffz... my mommy is an artist too!

    Hope you have a very happy and safe 4th of July!

    Woofs & hugs,

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  3. We can't wait to see Bert's picture; and we will send you a request soon!!
