Sunday, July 6, 2014

2014 St. Paul Rodeo Wild West Art Show

This year I participated in the St. Paul Rodeo Wild West Art Show.

I made new friends and had a lot of fun exposing new people to my art. I was there the entire week in my booth. The show was open primarily only in the afternoon and evening, so I spent most of my mornings packing my easel and paints around and painting some horses and a dozing bucking bull.

I entered "Time to Play with the Big Boys" and "Sunbasking Broncs" in the best of show contest and "Sunbasking Broncs" won Best of Show in Watercolor. And that's not the end of it …. Tom Swearingen, cowboy poet, noticed that painting after it won the award on Monday and that week he wrote a poem inspired by it "Still Some Sun to Catch." He even asked me to bring the painting over to the tent where he recited the poem so that the audience could see his inspiration.

I also did some pencil sketches from photos I took during slack and around the rodeo grounds. I sketched while sitting in my booth and it seemed to draw in more people and open them up to chat.

Overall, it was a great experience and I will be back next year with a couple new paintings. Maybe I'll see you there?

Elizabeth and Tom Swearingen with his inspiration.

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