Thursday, September 6, 2012

Commission (WIP) - "Charlotte's Pride & Joy"

Alright, folks … hang on to your hats!
I started my first Christmas holiday painting and it's never too early to ask me about doing one for you!

If you know this person I'm painting, then please keep it on the DL (down low), because it's a present! Thanks.

I was commissioned by a man, John, who liked my art after seeing it on my website and then he contacted me to do this painting as a gift to his daughter, Charlotte. This house is in a historic neighborhood in St. Louis, MO. It was built in 1890 and has some amazing brick work (from what I can see in my reference photos) and I look forward to capturing it in the painting.

As of now, I'm done with the most important part of my paintings (and a house for that matter), a sturdy, accurate foundation. I always want to perfect my pencil outlines because it's easier to correct them than after I've started painting. I start with a generalized scribbling of where things will be and then I work out the kinks and add all the little details.

Note: I understand that the figure is a little on the large side, but otherwise she would be quite a bit smaller. And this painting is about her, her dogs, and her house. So why not highlight what's important?

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